Statement of MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting on the Senate Passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

“This bill will save lives. For that alone, it is worth celebrating. For once, Congress is offering more than ‘thoughts and prayers.’ Let’s be clear: This is the most meaningful action on gun violence that has been enacted by Congress in two decades. This bill is a significant step forward. But it also is just the beginning of what our nation needs to seriously address the tragic gun violence crisis. 

“As we saw with the ruling by the Supreme Court yesterday, the most extreme elements of the Republican Party want to continue to flood our streets, our schools, our grocery stores, and our places of worship with more guns and fewer protections. It is outrageous, shameful, and dangerous. And it shows we still have our work cut out for us. 

“Millions of MoveOn members have signed petitions, made calls, rallied in the streets, and have made their voices heard for years in support of gun safety measures. They will continue to press for an assault-weapons ban and an expanded Supreme Court that will restore balance, break the right-wing stranglehold, and ensure states have the power to help keep their residents safe. We will continue to mobilize our members to support candidates who prioritize the health and well-being of Americans over the gun lobby and extremist Republicans.”


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